“Prevention is better than cure” as they Say !!!
It is better to try to keep a bad thing from happening  than it is to fix the bad thing once it has happened.
 In the Present day scenario, with so many Technologies around, Diagnosis is never a problem at all. With the advent of “Fifth Dimension of the Aquarius” many new age modalities have emerged and are doing really excellent job when it comes to diagnosing within the Human body, the exact nature and site of the Disease Pathology.
Diagnosing the Disease when the same has manifested in the physical body has only one relevance, that is; Prevention of Complications and Rehabilitation.
This aspect of Diagnosis and treatment has been labeled as Tertiary prevention by the World Health Organization; Geneva convention-1984.
We call it as “Curative Diagnosis” where in Diagnosis is done in order to cure the Diseases of  the Physical Body.
However if we talk of another aspect given by the World Health Organization; Geneva convention-1984, the Primary prevention, we can imagine of a “Sickness free life”.
Therefore if we can diagnose disease early on while they are still at the stage of the Emotions, Considering that all physical diseases are borne in the mind: the Psycho Somatic theory, we can think of a  “Sickness free life”.
Welcome to the new Community called “Preventive Diagnosis” where in the Diagnosis is done at the Root Cause level with the Identification of negative emotions lodged in the subconscious mind.
Removal of the Trapped emotions is done by means of:
  • Customized Sound therapy
  • Medical Meditation
 How does it Help?
Utilizing Voice Analysis with Jv-Scan, a complete list of Trapped Emotions is made.
Following Details are given:
Deficiency states:
Vitamins, Amino Acids ,Minerals , Electrolytes, Hormones , Neurotransmitters
Organ/ Organs prone to be Affected in Future
System Prone to be affected in future
List of Diseases that may manifest in your Body.
  1. The report is predictive.It will tell you in details about your present state of Health  as depicted by Missing Frequencies.

This system is highly sensitive and Specific both and we have utilized this on more than 2000 clients in the last 48 months to give you a guaranteed prediction of your Health Status

Whether you can just improve your life style to bring back those missing frequencies so you may stay healthy?
Are there  any other LAB TESTS REQUIRED based on the Stage of the Disease detected by Jv-Scan?
Whether your Debility is progressing too fast so as to be referred to a particular Department or a Specialty  clinic  for further Investigations?
Once you have  completed your Voice analysis and your Report is generated. Based on the Level of involvement : Emotional, cellular or Physical, we divide such patients into the following categories for further course of action.
CATEGORY AHealing Code Therapy is Highly Effective at this stage.
CATEGORY B:   Counseling required for Emotional issues.
You may be sent to a  Psychiatrist/ hypnotherapist
Healing Code Therapy is Highly Effective at this stage
CATEGORY C: Lab tests required…
Especially for Blood tests based on your report. Can be any, Ranging from Amino acid assays to a complete blood check up or a thyroid profile
CATEGORY D: Referral required to a particular department or a Super specialty Clinic.
• Promotion of  health and well-being on a very general level.
• Addressing the root cause of a disease or injury
• Preventing asymptomatic disease from progressing to symptomatic
• Detection and treatment a disease early on
With the availability of the concept Preventive Diagnosis, I hope people will be more and more aware as time passes on and will realize the importance of staying fit, Healthy and wealthy and spread it further on.
It is pointless to spend all your life time savings by falling sick and that too in late stages as suggested in the progression of diseased states, when you can just be aware of Latest Healing modalities around you that can help you prevent illness, so you may stay fit and Healthy.
It costs very less to stay fit and It takes away a lot of Money when you get sick
People are already aware of wellness and that has an edge over illness.
Act Now and be aware of the Wellness Concept .
Keep yourself Healthy.
To know more please feel free to contact us

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