
Showing posts from 2019
“Prevention is better than cure”  as they Say !!! It is better to try to keep a bad thing from happening     than it is to fix the bad thing once it has happened.   In the Present day scenario, with so many Technologies around,  Diagnosis  is never a problem at all. With the advent of “ Fifth Dimension of the Aquarius”  many new age modalities have emerged and are doing really excellent job when it comes to diagnosing within the Human body, the exact nature and site of the Disease Pathology. Diagnosing the Disease when the same has manifested in the physical body has only one relevance, that is ; Prevention of Complications and Rehabilitation. This  aspect of Diagnosis and treatment has been labeled as  Tertiary prevention  by the  World Health Organization ; Geneva convention-1984. We call it as “ Curative Diagnosis ” where in Diagnosis is done in order to cure the Diseases of  the Physical Body...
Dr Mahesh Hukmani -Best Innovation award for the Year 2019 at 4TH International Health care Awards
All physical Diseases  have an origin that is Non physical. That is they are all borne in the Mind with the inception of a negative emotion of  lowest vibratory frequency  value. The Psycho somatic origin  has been proved from time to time and the  neuronal  pathway  each emotion takes up, while it spills from the mind to the blood and then into the body are the key to decoding all forms of Diseases or illness. Welcome to the  New Era of Diagnosis . Decoding Illness  is Possible now Jv-Scan    Proudly Presenting to the World a  LIST OF DISEASES/Disorders CURED WITH IN  30 DAYS: With Healing Code Therapy ( Only Sound Frequencies):  Last 5 Years, On 2000 clients . 1. Anxiety 2. Depression 3. Phobias 4. Memory 5. Suicidal Tendencies 6. Stress 7. Anger 8. Fear 9. All Neurotic Disorders 10. Some Psychotic Disorders : Obsession, Schizophrenia 11. Sleep Disorders 12. ...
SOUND HEALING “Sound is  the Primordial force of the Universe and is the future of Medicine.” Sound Healing  is the Appropriate use of  Caliberated Sound Frequencies  to the Human body mind and soul to achieve a state of  Harmony and Balancing The Application of  Carefully Calibrated Set of Sound Frequenciesto the Human Body in order to bring it back to the state ofHarmony & Balance is called  Healing Code Therapy. It is an Advanced system of using Sound-wave frequencies to deal with Frequency imbalance & Trapped Emotions. An advanced wellness concept which helps to Indirectly  prevent your future diseases from manifesting into the Body. Each session of Such Sound Frequencies provides a carefully calibrated set of frequencies designed to treat a specific disease or condition only at the Emotional Level. Why Healing Code Ther...
Jv scan awarded as the Best Innovation in Health care: 2019.
Call us on   +91-9915113266 ,   This audio features relaxing ambient music layered with specific #Rootchakra frequencies to heal and balance the #rootchakra with subliminal affirmations. •           The #RootChakra is the first #chakra and is located at the base of the spine •           It is the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment and with the Earth. •           It is the survival center. •           Your fight and flight response is initiated from this chakra. •           It connects us with spiritual energies of our ancestors, their challenges and their triumphs. •    ...
LIVE DEMO AND Introductory LECTURE ON Voice Analysis  A New Diagnosis Tool for a Sickness free life Bangalore: 17th August: 5-7 pm Facilitated by: Dr Maheish Energy Exchange: Only Your Gracious Presence More Details: 9915113266
Who wants to learn the latest method to heal by talking to your soul? You dont have to be a healer to learn this. Details are here:
Medical Meditation is a new set of Guided Meditation series that is already transforming lives. Do you wish to Learn more? Join me in a 3 hour On line Workshop as I explain the basics of the centralized process that works smartly to keep us sickness free and also how to activate it in a 4 step approach towards creating a new generic imprint. "Your 28 Days to a sickness free life." Take away's: -A sickness free Blue Print - 4 tracks one each for a week. Facilitated by: Dr Maheish Call : 9915113266





#jvscan workshop Gurgaon Welcome all New Practitioners



Looking for a Franchise opening? JV SCAN preventive Health care Seeking Collaboration with Partner Clinics. Low Investment & High ROI with Over 100 Health care Products. For details: Dr Maheish: 76962-42266
#jvscan: 30 seconds of Voice analysis can reveal a list of Diseases that one may have in recent future. Get your Jv scan done today. For on line appointments: +91-9915113266 Download Jv scan:  the Android based app on Google Play. Register, click on the Icon, record your  voice and send.